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Matt Lubas '18

Former President

Engineering Major

Poverty and Human Capability Studies Minor

Certificate of International Immersion




Matt exhibited excellent leadership during his presidency last year. His major contributions include (but are not limited to): reforming the entire organization by changing its bylaws, structures and renaming the club; establishing connection between W&L and the Fries (VA) community; starting the STEMito program along with Angel Vela. Thanks to Matt, we've become a club that attracts students from different academic disciplines other than just engineering.


Angel Vela '18

Former Member

Chemistry-Engineering Major

Bonner Scholar




Angel was a very active member of the community during his time at W&L. Along with Matt, Angel crafted the STEMito program for younger students in Monterey, Mexico, and was awarded the Davis Peace Grant for his very original STEM education program. Angel constantly engaged in various club activities and has been a role model not only for our club, but too, has exhibited leadership beyond ECD.





Engineering Community Development combines the efforts of all majors to make a positive impact on communities locally and abroad. 

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