Domestic Projects
Career Panels

Each year, the ECD showcases current W&L students who have had jobs, internships, and research opportunities in physics and engineering related fields during a career panel. Students of all ages, majors, and interests are invited to listen to these panelists share their experiences and advice on finding such opportunities. A Q&A session is held afterwards for students to learn more about specifics.
The Engineering Community Development club strives to form a bond with local organizations. Our project at the Hoofbeats Theraputic Riding Center, a 501c3, highlights our efforts to develop a strong bond with the local community. Hoofbeats, prior, had a rotting sensory bridge that was located on their nature trail. ECD volunteered to build a new bridge. We were able to secure donations of materials from Spencer's Home Improvement, a local building materials store. The construction of the bridge took place during Spring 2018 and our volunteers were delighted to paint the bridge purple as well!